



相關地圖標記:Golden Hippopotamus-主門Plaza @ Erdtree的陰影

  1. Hippopotamus很大,但相對較快的老闆
  2. 它的大部分攻擊都涉及擺動其巨大的頭或咬人。因此,最好是從野獸的側面或後背接近野獸
  3. 老闆可以攻擊寬麵積在他面前。
  4. 它是不是很敏捷儘管。利用這一點,並試圖在相當大的競技場中超越他。
  5. 指控,身體攻擊和一系列攻擊(通常為3)武力野獸花點時間恢復。用這段時間來反擊或治愈。
  6. 在戰鬥的第二部分中,河馬的身體被覆蓋帶有尖銳的尖峰和野獸的收益幾次攻擊。這些之前是“充電”,這是由峰值開始發光的。
  7. 在戰鬥的第二階段,繼續前進避免被釘子擊中。


Golden Hippopotamus is a four-legged boss of considerable size - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide

Golden Hippopotamus是一個大小相當大的四足老闆。儘管大小,但它的速度令人驚訝。快速的頭部發作或意外收費很容易讓您感到驚訝可憐的機動性是它的弱點,這意味著您將能夠在相當大的舞台上超越它。

Most of the hippo's attacks involve its head - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


Considering the boss's poor maneuverability, we recommend that you avoid head attacks by moving to the side or even slightly towards the boss - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


Most of the "bigger" attacks of the beast, such as a series of head swings or a charge with an open mouth, usually end with a very short moment of inaction by the boss - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


After losing about half of its health, the beast will transform and golden spikes will appear on its back - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


During the first ranged attack, the beast will spin around on the ground, sending a wave of needles around itself - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


The second ranged attack is more direct and relies on sharp needles falling from the sky - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide


When you deal enough damage to the hippopotamus, the beast will fall to the ground panting for a moment - Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat Golden Hippopotamus? - Side bosses - Elden Ring Guide
