

Head straight ahead, careful not to fall into the abyss - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide

直接前進,注意不要落入深淵。您必鬚麵對的第一個敵人是石像鬼。觀看雕像,因為一些石像鬼假裝是一個。如果您靠近它們,則可以使用R3確切知道哪一個會栩栩如生。與它們戰鬥非常簡單,但是,您需要小心,因為它們經常飛向空中 - 在這種情況下,您只需要做一個好的道奇,然後攻擊它們即可。請注意不要躲避太多,因為路徑非常狹窄。

There will be another gargoyle at the end of the path - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


You can go left or right - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Collect all the items on the top floor - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Then, once you have passed through the fog, go up the stairs - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


When you get to the point where it is impossible to go further due to the hole visible in the screenshot, wait a moment, because at this point, the elevator will start working and after a while it should appear in the designated place - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Once you get to the very top, you will notice several enemies holding the chain - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


After killing the enemies, you can go to an even higher floor, however, you will not go further if your tendency is not white - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Go back to where the four enemies held the chain - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


You can use the cage by going inside and then going down into the swamp - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Yurt is in a cage - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


However, there is a good way to release Yurt and kill him to get all his items and souls - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


After defeating Yurt, collect his items, and then enter the cage to go down to the swamp - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


As you go down, check exactly the same swamp, because many interesting objects can be found there, such as the ring, which gradually regenerates mana - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Then enter the bridge - you will encounter new enemies there - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide

然後進入橋樑 - 您將在那裡遇到新敵人。最好在遠處與他們戰鬥,或進行強烈的進攻以很快殺死他們。

Staying on the left side of the bridge, you will reach the location with more enemies - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Killing this demon will cause your tendency to increase to white by several dozen percent - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


On the bridge's right side there's a path that leads up - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


As you go up the stairs, you will face the same enemies again - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


For a long while you will not encounter any enemies, but on the stairs you can meet the octopus-mage, who often appeared in region 3-1 - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


After defeating the magician, you should be close to the pillars - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


A part of the hanging creature is here as well - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Be careful on the bridge, because there are a lot of gargoyles there, including one with a crossbow - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Wait for the elevator again when you will be going to the top of the tower - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Then go towards the collapsed bridge and jump down, to arrive at the very beginning of Upper Latria - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


On the bridge, where gargoyles were, the previously mentioned swamp monsters will appear - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Remember the place on the right with the treasure that unlocks when the creature dies - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


When you go down to the bottom, you will encounter several monsters from the swamp - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


There, you will find many valuable items to pick up - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Now there is nothing left to do but climb to the very top of the tower - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide


Collect all the items at the very top - Demons Souls Remake: Upper Latria (3-2) - walkthrough - Tower of Latria (Region 3) - Demons Souls Remake Guide
