

相關地圖標記:Owlbear(Blighted Village) @ ACT 1

您可以輕鬆地從德魯伊樹林(Druid Grove)到達Owlbear Nest。如果您遙遠,請彎曲到Druid Grove附近或枯萎的村莊。

We've marked the Owlbear Nest's location above - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough

我們已經在上面標記了Owlbear Nest的位置。您可以通過離開德魯伊樹林並穿過森林的路來輕鬆到達那裡。然後,您將到達瀑布和匆忙的溪流。

To get to the Owlbear Nest, you will have to cross the stream, and then follow the path down to the cave - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough




If you don't want to kill the Owlbear Cub, you're gonna need some kind of control spell to exclude it from the fight - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough



You can also focus down the larger Owlbear - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough



A red arrow will appear next to the Owlbear if it's able to get an opportunity attack off as you walk away - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough




It is best to start the fight with a surprise shot when the enemy turns around and starts patrolling the rest of the cave - this will surprise it and skip its turn, letting you attack again - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough

當敵人轉過身並開始巡邏洞穴的其餘部分時,最好以驚喜開始戰鬥 - 這會讓它感到驚訝然後跳過它,讓您再次進攻。偷偷摸摸的同時,請注意不要進入以紅色標記的貓頭鷹的視力區域。

During the fight with the Owlbear it is worth keeping it in one place or at least out of range of any of the team members by immobilizing or reducing its movement speed, for example, by pinning it down (through bow attacks) or by using one of the spells like Ray of Frost - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough

在與貓頭鷹的戰鬥期間,值得將其固定或降低其運動速度,將其放在一個團隊成員的範圍內或至少超出任何一個團隊成員的範圍內,例如,通過將其固定(通過弓形攻擊)或使用弗羅斯特(Ray of Frost)等法術之一。在攻擊中授予優勢的咒語也很有用,例如牧師的指導螺栓,它一直保持效果,直到您下次擊中對手。

It will also be important to find an elevated position, especially when your character uses ranged weapons (short or long bow) or uses spells that gain a height advantage bonus like the Warlock's Eldritch Blast - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough


您應該盡快消除貓頭鷹,因此請專注於造成盡可能多的傷害,以確保攻擊的命中率相對較高。某些咒語,例如魔術導彈,不能錯過 - 使用它們。


當然,擊敗貓頭鷹將得到相應的回報。在被擊敗的生物的腹部,您將找到創建絕對願景所需的物品- 稀有的藍色長矛。

In the nest, you will find an Owlbear egg, which is worth a real fortune, and after searching the nearby skeleton, in addition, a rare item - The Oak Father's Embrace - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough

在巢穴中,您會發現一個貓頭鷹雞蛋,值得一筆錢在搜索附近的骨骼之後,還有一個罕見的物品 - 橡樹父親的擁抱

This is some very good light armor, with 13 AC, +3 Dexterity and the Order of Nature trait, which deals 1d6 radiant to all undead attacking its wearer - Baldurs Gate 3: Owlbear - how to beat? - Bosses and difficult fights - Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Walkthrough
