

  1. 17600 XP
  2. 2個技能點
  3. 潛水面具- 一個使您無限期地留在水下的小工具。在任務期間和對地圖的自由探索期間,它都將非常有用。


This is one of the 3 main quests you can undertake after your first visit to the Base and talking to GAIA (a part of The Eye of the Earth story quest) The quest has a recommended level of 22 - consider ascending to the needed experience level before embarking on the quest, as it will allow you to de - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

這是您第一次訪問基地並與蓋亞(Gaia)交談後可以進行的三個主要任務之一(地球的眼睛故事任務)該任務的建議級別22- 在開始任務之前,請考慮提高所需的經驗水平,因為它可以使您更輕鬆地與任務的老闆打交道。



Use the ladder to access the bottom balconies of the building - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide





First, make your way south to find a herd of machines Once you reach the objective, activate your focus, find the machine tracks, highlight them (R1) and start following them - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


You're going to have to eliminate all machines forming a convoy - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


一旦車隊被擊敗,請搶劫bellowback的遺跡 - 任務應更新。

Return to the tall building where the NPCs you met recently are staying - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


請記住 - 您可以在水下花費的時間有限。游泳到軸的底部,找到壓縮空氣膠囊一旦您拿起它,請返回表面。


Talk to Morlund about the parts you obtained, and then use the workbench located in the same room - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

與莫倫(Morlund)談談您獲得的零件,然後使用工作台位於同一房間。製作 潛水面具

該面具可讓您無限期地留在水下。它也不需要手動激活 - Aloy會在需要時自動放置。


Once again, jump into the flooded elevator shaft, but from now on you don't have to worry about oxygen - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



The Tideripper guards an area with a large hole, creating a sort of a vortex - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


紅燈標記洪水氾濫在屏幕截圖中顯示 - 您必須輸入它。你會找到的控制台內部 - 使用它激活全息圖。


Your new objective is to find two Pump Nodes which activated will lower the water level in the flooded area - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Reach the small hole (quest marker) and swim inside - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

到達小孔(Quest Marker)並在裡面游泳。如果您被機器追捕,一旦進入該區域,它們就會脫離接觸。

Locate the ladder to exit the water and reach the first valve - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Again, you must try to avoid underwater machines - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Attempting to use the second valve will initially fail - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


After the valve is turned, you can return to the central area of the flooded city - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

閥門轉動後,您可以返回被洪水淹沒的城市的中心區域。這次,向南行駛,避免在此過程中避免水下機器。你應該到達一扇門導致泵維護站 - 用力將其打開。

Continue along new underwater corridors (there is numerous loot to collect along the way) Follow the new corridor and swim to the red console shown in the picture - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Use the ladder to get down to the lower level - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


朝著標記的路徑前進。避免遇到的機器以保護您的健康,一旦您就必鬚麵對老闆 - Tideripper


As usual, you should start the battle by scanning the Tideripper - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Once the battle begins you can quickly start setting up traps, as the boss won't be very aggressive at first - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Despite its size, the Tideripper is quite agile - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



After winning the battle, you can optionally talk to Morlund and his team - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



尋找波塞冬 - 續

Head towards the door that was previously "guarded" by the boss - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Head back out to the central area where you faced the boss - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



To continue, use fast travel to teleport to the Base and reach its side entrance following a short climb - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



If you've completed Cradle of Echoes before, then you'll receive an additional mission objective related to meeting Varl and Beta - Horizon Forbidden West: The Sea of Sands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide
