
注意 - 此任務的建議經驗水平是15。它明顯高於以前的任務,建議您事先達到此任務,因為此任務包括老闆打架等等。


  1. 9000 XP
  2. 2個技能點
  3. Utaru Whisperer臉漆
  4. 解鎖地球的眼睛主要任務


Plainsong is one of the larger settlements on the world map - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide




While following Zo, you won't just encounter "regular" machines, but also their more powerful Apex variants - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



To win larger battles against machines, try setting up traps around the area (but be sure not to trip over them yourself) and heavy weapons such as the machine gun that can drop from a damaged Ravager - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

要贏得與機器的更大戰鬥,請嘗試設置陷阱在該地區(但請確保不要自己絆倒),並且重的 武器例如可以從受損的掠奪者中掉下的機槍。請記住,遊戲中所有重型武器的特徵都是他們的高火。



At the entrance to the cave you will find a lot of chests that could potentially contain lots of valuable loot - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide




Shortly after entering the Cauldron, you will need to face some machines in battle - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Stepping on the plate will slow down the big gears, allowing you to shoot the exposed parts with any bow - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Successful hits will allow you to climb the metal elements and head deeper into the structure - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Once you reach the higher platform, you will have to solve a puzzle that is exceedingly similar to the first one - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

到達較高平台後,您將必須解決與第一個非常相似的拼圖。 Aloy將要求Zo站在樓下的壓力板上。同樣,這將減慢齒輪,並允許您瞄準裸露的零件。就像以前一樣,請確保等待它們進入正確的位置。

When it comes to the new pressure plate, you will be required to complete a puzzle that involves placing a heavy object on it - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

談到新的壓力板,您將需要完成一個涉及在其上放置重物的難題。查看破裂的面板從上面的屏幕截圖中 - 您可以通過遠程攻擊將其銷毀,然後前往新創建的段落。

In the next room, you will find a crate and you need to push it to the energy barrier pictured in the screenshot - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



A linear travel route will lead you to the next pressure plate - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



In the next part of the cauldron, you have to climb by using the yellow interactive elements in the area - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


In the next section, use the Shieldwing to glide and land on a distant ledge - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


You will reach a location with flying machines - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide




You will reach the main cauldron chamber with a large machine within the dome - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


殺死格林霍恩 - 老闆打架

Once the battle starts, you should scan the boss and read through its detailed description in the machine catalogue - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

一旦戰鬥開始,你應該掃描老闆並仔細閱讀其詳細描述機器目錄。這將使您學習老闆的弱點 - 在遊戲的這個階段,您應該已經可以使用酸損傷(遠程武器和/或酸陷阱)。

1 - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

Reading the Grimhorn's entry will tell you of the boss' weak spots - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


During the battle rely on elemental attacks and regular attacks aimed at the boss' weak spots - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Smaller machines will join the fray, but you should try to save them for later - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Once the battle is over, collect the loot dropped by the boss and the other machines - Horizon Forbidden West: The Dying Lands - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


您將立即被迫照顧下一個主要任務 - 地球的眼睛