


  1. 格蘭芬多- 任務標記將在探索時出現Hogsmeade的北部

1 - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

  1. 溜溜- 完成任務時可以在完成主要探索Scrope的最後希望。在此期間,您可以輸入霍格沃茨下方的石窟(上圖)並打開一個大箱子。
  2. 赫芬帕夫- 到達上霍格斯菲爾德位於地圖的北部。

2 - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

  1. 拉文克勞- 訪問卵子在霍格沃茨。地圖位於塔的頂部。

Regardless of which House you represent, you will find a treasure map and unlock the side quest - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide





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  1. XP;
  2. 外貌- 您將解鎖新的領帶化妝品(尋寶的圍巾)


Open the world map - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

打開世界地圖。您的目的地是禁忌森林中的火焰- 快速旅行點位於霍格沃茨以北。

Upon arrival, you must make sure that it is nighttime - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide


You will need the Lumos spell - if you don't have it equipped, open the quick select spellset menu (right direction on the D pad) and put it in either of the 4 slots - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

您將需要Lumos咒語- 如果您沒有配備它,請打開快速選擇的拼寫集菜單(D板上正確的方向),然後將其放入4個插槽中。

Approach the bridge southwest of the floo flames - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide


Flying candles will lead you to the treasure - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide


4 - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

You will reach small hills in the Forbidden Forest, where a treasure chest (scarf - a cosmetic item) will be revealed - Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love - Hogwarts - Hogwarts Legacy Guide

您將到達禁區的小山丘,那裡寶箱(圍巾 - 化妝品)將被揭示。搶劫它將結束側面任務。