在指南的此頁面上光暈無限,您會發現第四頭骨的位置 - 咕unt生日聚會。這是您在競選活動時可以獲得的頭骨之一,即主要任務- 存儲庫。我們發布了有關如何進入頭骨第四的詳細說明。

第四頭骨的位置 - 存儲庫主要任務

You can only obtain this skull during the Repository mission - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide

你只能得到這個頭骨在存儲庫任務中。在免費探索Zeta Halo環時,它沒有可用。


1 - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide

Turn 180 degrees to stand with your back to the currently ignored destination marker - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


  1. 越過橋,左轉,
  2. 到達邊緣。瞄准上層支撐和使用Grappleshot連接到它。
  3. 從屏幕快照2跳到相鄰平台。

In the newly discovered area, go to the door on the upper level - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


Now you must carry the seed back, which means returning to the main hall and using Grappleshot to return to the central area - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide



  1. 如果飛行後衛太麻煩了,請將種子放在地面上並與他們打交道。您也可以簡單地忽略它們並與種子逃跑。
  2. 即使您丟失了種子,也可以返回其原點位置並乘坐新的位置。

All the while carrying the seed, you need to reach the balconies on the opposite side of the room - step by step instruction - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide

一直在攜帶種子時,您需要到達房間對面的陽台 - 逐步指示:

  1. 朝著大廳的出口奔跑,忽略它並左轉,
  2. 使用Grappleshot
  3. 跳到新貨架。

Same as before, use the upper door - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


Now you can continue back with the mission - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


Further along the way, make a habit of selecting left corridors in every newly visited rooms - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide



In the new room use the Grappleshot to ascend to a higher level - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


Beware of stealthed enemies wielding blades - use the sensor if they are too much - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide

當心揮舞刀片的隱身敵人- 如果傳感器太多,請使用傳感器。您也可以使用手榴彈使它們擺脫隱藏。如有必要,請跳下以有更多的運動空間。

The skull will be in the place where the enemies where - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide


The skull unlocks a visual emote (and confetti) after headshoting grunts - Halo Infinite: Grunt Birthday Party, 4th skull (Repository) - where to find? - Skulls - Halo Infinite Guide
