在我們的指南的此頁面上,您可以從Goron City Main Quest的Yunobo找到一項演練Zelda:王國的眼淚。我們展示瞭如何完成所有目標,包括擊敗Yunobo和Moragia以及在火廟中打開5個掛鎖。頁面的最後一部分包含大理石Gohma老闆戰​​鬥的詳細說明。


Goron City Story Quest的Yunobo到達Eldin的Goron City後就可以使用,位於地圖的東北部分。區域現象的四個主要任務標記之一將引導您在那裡。


To acivate the quest, talk to citizens gathered around a large bonfire - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



是時候進入山洞了 - 不幸的是,內部受到高溫的影響,這意味著您所有攜帶的木製武器和盾牌都將被摧毀。確保准備可以承受熱量的設備。

Avoid charging attacks of the enemy - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


After the mask gets shattered, the fight concludes and you'll receive Yunobo's power, Power of Fire - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



相關地圖標記:Moragia @ Hyrule,深度和天空


Go in the direction of Death Mountain West Site and jump in the mining cart - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Destroy the boulders along the way and watch out for flying monsters - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Once at the top, the fight against Moragia will start - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Your task is to destroy 3 monster heads with Yunobo's skill - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



After finding yourself underground, go in the direction of the marker unlocking Lightroots along the way which will reveal a map of Depths - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



要訪問Boss of Fire Temple,您需要打開5個掛鎖。

1 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Go to the southern part of the temple and use the hydrant to create platforms on the lava - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Jump into the mining cart and follow the tracks, hitting the railroad switch along the way - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


2 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

You'll reach the southern chamber on level 1F - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



Hit the gong with Yunobo's Attack - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


3 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Return to the mining cart and continue along the tracks - when needed, get rid of red boulders - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

返回採礦購物車,然後沿著軌道繼續 - 在需要時擺脫紅色巨石。達到2F級。

Switch the railcars and travel to the northern part of Fire Temple - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Hit the switch and wait until the tracks go down - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


4 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Destroy the boulder blocking the waterfall, then pick up one of the stones that will appear on the magma - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


5 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Wait for the stone to float to you, jump onto it, and use Recall to get to the other side - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


6 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Return to the tracks and jump into the mining cart - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


7 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Place the mining cart on the tracks shown in the screenshots above - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

將採礦購物車放在上面屏幕截圖中顯示的軌道上。將火箭固定在購物車上,然後跳入裡面。發射火箭 - 以額外的速度,您將超越4F級軌道的損壞部分

8 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Reach the outer wall of the room and start climbing up - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Glide to the southern part of Fire Temple - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Land on the wall and climb to level 4F - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Destroy the red boulder and then move the stone platform so it is aligned with the gong - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Use Yunobo's attack to hit the gong - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


9 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Stand at the edge of the broken bridge and hit the red boulder obstructing the entrance - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Hit the final gong to open the fifth padlock - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



相關地圖標記:大理石gohma @ hyrule,深度和天空


10 - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

With the gate open, a 2-phased fight against Marbled Gohma will begin - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


The second phase is a little harder - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


The monster will attach to the ceiling - Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

