這項在Zora Main Quest的Sidon的演練Zelda:王國的眼淚解釋瞭如何在Toto Lake中找到Jiahto,以及如何完成破碎的石板,線索到天空以及恢復Zora Armor Quests。我們的技巧將幫助您找到多雷芬國王並進入釣魚形島。您還將學習如何捕捉古老的Arowana以及如何在水神廟中轉4個水龍頭。我們用污泥和最終老闆Mucktorok描述了戰鬥。


完成後,Zora Main任務的Sidon將在完成後解鎖污泥覆蓋的雕像。 Quest標記之一區域現象主要任務將帶您進入Zora的域。

After talking with Yona and removing the strange substance from the statue, head to Mipha Court near Ploymus Mountain and talk to Sidon - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

與Yona交談並從雕像中取出奇怪的物質後,前往Ploymus Mountain附近的Mipha Court,與Sidon交談。您的下一個目的地將是Toto Lake。


去見正在調查托托湖的賈托。該湖位於Ploymus Mountain的西北。

1 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Jiahto stands by the edge of the lake - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



相關地圖標記:破碎的板岩 @ hyrule,深度和天空

Jiahto will have a problem with reading the Slate at Toto Lake - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Jiahto在閱讀Toto Lake的板岩時會遇到問題。您會發現洞穴附近的缺失物品。使用使用帶有chuchu果凍的箭頭或借助消防栓,Zonai設備。一旦損壞的零件乾淨,請用超荷蘭技能提起它,然後將其插入板岩中。

Jiahto閱讀銘文後,您將解鎖下一個主要任務 - 天空的線索

Sky Main任務的線索

相關地圖標記:天空的線索 - 魚形島 @ hyrule,深度和天空

相關地圖標記:天空的線索 - 原始聖所 @ hyrule,深度和天空

相關地圖標記:天空 @ hyrule,深度和天空的線索


Go to the throne room in Zora's Domain - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Circle the throne room quietly and sneak up behind the children to eavesdrop on their conversation - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


2 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Pristine Sanctum is near Lulu Lake, between Mipha Court and Mikau Lake - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

原始聖所在露露湖附近,在Mipha Court和Mikau Lake之間。穿過瀑布,跳入山洞。在與國王的談話中,您將獲得5倍國王的秤。

After talking to the king, return to Jiahto - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


3 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Go to Sidon at Mipha Court now and tell him what you have managed to discover - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


4 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Watch the sky closely and wait for a piece of the island to fall to the ground - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Stand at the western end of the island and find the formation of stones in the shape of a drop - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



完成了Sky Main任務的線索後,返回Sidon在米帕法院。對話將被老闆喜歡的污泥打斷。在戰鬥開始之前您將解鎖同伴的能力 - 西頓的水力量

The monster uses Sludge attacks - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Use water-based attacks to get rid of Sludge from the monster - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide




當您用污泥贏得戰鬥時,與Yona交談。解鎖主要任務恢復Zora Armor。 Yona要求您將她的魚類稱為“古老的Arowana”。

5 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Go to Zora's Domain and talk to the blacksmith Dento - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


6 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Return to Mipha's Court and go up the stairs to Shatterback Point - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


You can try to catch the fish or shoot it with a bow - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

您可以嘗試捕獲魚或用弓箭射擊。我們建議第二種方法。乘坐古老的Arowana,返回Yona。您將從她那裡收到佐拉裝甲- 這種服裝將使您可以游泳瀑布。


After putting on Zora Armor, meet Sidon at the green light in the middle of the lake - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Use the paraglider to fly to the other side - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Your next target will be the point shown in the above picture - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


7 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Another opening will be on the other side of the room - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


The last hole is located in the northern part of the room - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Under the hole you will find a small tunnel - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Find the grate on the ceiling in the tunnel, from which water is coming out - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Break the last boulder and wait for the water to pour out, then climb the ladder - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Grab the lever with the Ultrahand and open the gate - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Swim up to the stairs in the middle of the room and interact with the altar - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



After landing on the islands, you will have to climb to their higher parts - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


You can also jump into waterfalls and swim up them - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


On one of the islands, you will find a Device Dispenser and several Zonai devices ready for use - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide





Start from the left side of the islands - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


8 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Remove Sludge from the Zonai device that releases bubbles - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


At the faucet you will find a stone barrier that you must lift up to drain the water from the pool - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

在水龍頭上,您會發現一個石屏障,您必須抬起,以從游泳池中排出水。將懸停石放在石塊上,激活它,並使用Ultrahand技能將塊提升到向上。 Zonai設備應將塊固定在適當的位置。

Put the orb in the hole at the bottom of the pool and wait for the gate to open by the faucet - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Approach the faucet and use Sidon's skills - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


9 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Go down to level B1 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Raise the Hover Stone, place it on the switch next to the gate, and activate it - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Fly to the other side of the room - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Place the orb attached to the Hover Stone into the hole in the wall - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


When the gate opens, turn on the second faucet - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


10 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Stand in the middle part of the island and look up - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Move the water bubble up, then rewind time on it using the Recall ability and jump into it - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Attach two stone blocks to the water wheel, grab one of them and rotate the device - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Insert a water bubble in the gap between the cables to transmit electricity - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Time to activate the last faucet - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


11 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Defeat the monster under the broken bridge and use the Ascend skill - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


12 - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Stand on the highest Hover Stone and jump upwards - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide




You can easily avoid all enemy attacks by jumping over the Sludge streams that the monster releases in your direction - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


When Mucktorok takes on its true form, quickly shoot it down with a bow - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


In the second stage of the fight, the monster will spit out an even larger amount of Sludge - Zelda TotK: Sidon of the Zora - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


