在我們的這個頁面上Zelda:王國的眼淚指南您可以找到Gerudo Town地區現象的Riju的演練。我們幫助您找到前往Gerudo Town的方式,並捍衛它免受Gibdos攻擊。該任務的另一部分涉及一個難題,該難題是沙漠中的3個支柱,並參觀了Ligthning Temple,您需要在那里為4台電池充電。最後,我們幫助並提供有關如何擊敗寺廟老闆吉布多皇后的提示。


Gerudo Town Quest的Riju到達北格魯多廢墟後開始在Gerudo沙漠中,該沙漠是地圖西南部的一個地區。您是根據來自該地區的四個標記之一區域現象故事任務。


Reaching the Gerudo Town is made difficult by a sandstorm which obstructs your vision - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

通過沙塵暴使您的視力困擾,到達Gerudo鎮。此外,在沙塵暴區域,您的地圖和最小值沒有用。要到達North Gerudo遺址,請沿著小路,不要偏離它。

Upon reaching the objective, you'll hear a loud bang - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


After the conversation, shoot an arrow at the dummy when yellow aura reaches it - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



Once you have an idea how Riju's ability works, proceed to Kara Kara Bazaar - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

一旦您有了Riju的能力的工作方式,繼續前往Kara Kara Bazaar。如果您想更輕鬆地到達它,請嘗試快速前往附近的Skyview塔,然後從那裡滑到位置。

After arriving, a battle against Gibdos will start - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide



在建立下一個目標之前,請在Kara Kara Bazaar停留片刻,並補充您的箭頭供應。一個小池塘里有一個胸部,有一個gerudo弓。只需使用Ultrahand抓住並將胸部放在堅實的地面上即可。

卡拉·卡拉(Kara Kara)提供的商人之一沙漠VOE頭帶,一種施加耐熱性的裝甲項目- 您可以從他那裡購買450盧比。

在卡拉·卡拉(Kara Kara Bazaar)很安全之後,是時候前往Gerudo鎮了。

If you come across an air vortex along the way, jump into it and open your glider - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

如果您沿途遇到空氣渦流,請跳入它並打開滑翔機。一陣風會帶您高高地上和上方的沙塵暴,使您可以通過它繪製一條路,然後到達Gerudo Town。

After the conversation with Riju, siege of the city will begin - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

與Riju的對話結束後,將開始圍困城市。您在這裡的任務是銷毀3個Gibdo Hives-在該鎮的東部,西部和北門。等待電力光環吞噬蜂巢並在粉紅色的地方開火。摧毀蜂巢後,清除了剩餘的怪物區域。




Go to the throne room, stand behind the throne and look at the desert - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


1 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

As you approach the first pillar, use Ascend to quickly get upstairs - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

當您接近第一個支柱時,請使用Ascend快速上樓。摧毀地板上的弱點使用與融合岩石的武器 - 這將激活第一個支柱。會出現燈光,將引導您進入下一個支柱。

2 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

When you reach the second pillar, jump from it to the nearby stone platform - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


3 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

With the second pillar activated, time to head for the final one - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

隨著第二個支柱的激活,是時候前往最後一個。到達後,摧毀地板上的一個弱點Ultrahand A板上懸停石頭

Activate the Hover Stone so it levitates - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


4 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Move the Hover Stone to the top part and remove the board from it - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


A triangle created of light will be completed - go to the middle of it and activate Riju's ability - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

將完成創建的三角形的三角形 - 轉到其中間並激活Riju的能力。當光環吞噬它時,在雕像上射擊並等待閃電廟出現。



Activate Riju's ability and shoot the hive - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Queen Gibdo is damaged the same way as lesser Gidbos - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

吉布皇后(Queen Gibdo)的損壞方式與小吉伯斯(Gidbos)相同。當用閃電擊中時,吉布皇后將失去保護蓋,她的身體會變白。現在是時候接近她並攻擊幾次了。




進入閃電廟時,您會發現一些Korok-Frond Gusters。您可以使用此物品攻擊,以創造出陣風,以吹沙子。

5 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Get rid of the sand in front of the stone door and stand on the switch - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


When you reach the end of the corridor, turn right and continue forward - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Go forward and pass through the corridor with traps - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

前進,用陷阱通過走廊。等到火焰被浸入並迅速運行一個部分。在走廊的盡頭,您會在地面上找到一個開關- 站在上面,等待Riju接近。

The next trap you'll encounter will be a burning sphere - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Destroy the encountered hive and all opponents around it - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Defeat the Zonai robot and remove the sand from the floor - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide




6 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

The first is on the same floor - 1F - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

第一個是在同一樓層-1F。在樓梯旁邊,您會在牆壁上發現一些鬆散的磚塊 - 用Ultrahand將它們移開,然後用第一個電池進入腔室。激活Riju的能力,並向電池發射箭頭。

Near the altar you will find a brick that you can move from its location - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

在祭壇附近,您會發現可以從其位置移動的磚塊。這將使空氣陣風出現 - 跳進去並打開滑翔機。

7 - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide

Fly all the way to level 5F and go through a narrow pathway from which light emerges - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Attach a mirror to the brick and place it in the middle of the room - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Leave the room and move the mirror statue to the middle of the tracks - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Move the south-eastern statue and reflect the light below, to a gate leading to level 3F - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Defeat all monsters on the level and destroy the hive - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Return to the mirror statues on level 5F - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Go to the north-eastern part of the temple and move the mirror statue - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Move the north-western statue so the light reflects up and hits the green area on level 6F - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Climb down the wall and avoid fire traps - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Time for the final device - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Go through moving blades to the next chamber and remove the loose bricks from the wall to reveal a light beam - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Return to the previous room and activate Recall - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Fly to the other side of 4F and go through the gate - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Enter Room of Light and Shade and defeat a Zonai construct - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


Get back up with Ascend and pick up one of the mirrors from the room - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide




老闆戰在等待你 - 確保准備大量的箭,食物和長生不老藥。裝備更好的弓,並有一些耐用的盾牌,您可以將鏡子融合到其中。另外,請確保參觀足夠的神社以獲得更多的心。


The fight with Queen Gidbo is quite difficult - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide




In the second phase of the encounter, hives will appear from which monsters will emerge - Zelda TotK: Riju of Gerudo Town - walkthrough - Walkthrough - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Guide


一旦擺脫了4個蜂巢和所有剩餘的怪物,您就可以重點放在Queen Gibdo上。用電力進攻,並利用Yunobo迅速擊敗她的能力。