在我們的這個頁面上地平線禁止西方您可以找到指南過去故事追求種子的演練。我們的演練解釋瞭如何進入溫室內,如何解決Ivy和Elm Station中的難題,如何恢復控制室的力量,如何擊敗Dreadwing,如何獲得用於打開金屬花和打開金屬花和的藤蔓切割機和在哪裡可以找到Demeter。


  1. 19200 XP
  2. 2個技能點
  3. 葡萄藤- 可以打開金屬花和破壞葡萄藤的物品。它們在追求和進一步冒險期間將很有用。


This is one of the 3 main quests you can undertake after your first visit to the Base and talking to GAIA (a part of The Eye of the Earth story quest) The quest has a recommended level of 24 - consider reaching this level of experience before embarking on the quest, as you' - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

這是您第一次訪問基地並與蓋亞(Gaia)交談後可以進行的三個主要任務之一(地球的眼睛故事任務)該任務的建議級別24- 考慮在開始任務之前達到這種經驗,因為您將在任務期間會更輕鬆地處理老闆遭遇。



Avoid staying with the initial cover, as soon you'll be overwhelmed by melee-armed enemies - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



After the battle concludes, explore the upper floor of the ruined building where the enemies were hiding - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

戰鬥結束後,探索敵人隱藏的毀滅建築物的上層。繼續前往屏幕截圖中顯示的區域並沿繩索騎行 - 您應該在附近溫室


There are numerous loot containers to be found when exploring the greenhouse - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

探索溫室時有許多戰利品容器。您還會注意到金屬花- 請記住這個位置,因為您將在任務的另一部分回到這裡。



You will find yourself in a inactive elevator shaft - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Descend using the rope to reach a new area inhabited by enemies - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

下降使用繩索到達居住的新區域由敵人。他們不知道您的存在 - 利用這一優勢通過隱身攻擊來擺脫它們。

如果您決定進行開放戰鬥,請利用將負面狀態置於敵人的桶。當心武裝的對手等離子炸彈發射器- 首先要瞄准他,因為一旦他被擊敗並將其用於剩下的對手,就可以撿起它。

After the combat concludes, travel to the southern door - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

戰鬥結束後,前往南門。描繪與阿爾瓦將被激活。您可以耗盡所有對話選項,或者提出將情節向前推動的問題。 Alva將陪伴您在此任務的某些地方,但她不會參加戰鬥。


There are two consoles in the room which have to be activated at the same time - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

房間裡有兩個控制台,必須同時激活。接近左控制台。 ALVA將接近第二個控制台,並且兩個控制台將被激活。


A hatch leading to the tunnels will be unlocked - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


一路上使用點火器炸毀firegleams。下一個房間可能會引起一些問題 - 您需要使用Pullcaster在屏幕截圖中顯示的壁碎片上。將自己精確地放在牆的前面,並遠離它,以便Pullcaster可以解鎖前進的方向。最後,您將到達通往表面的長梯子。


The entrance to Elm Station is located north of your current position, with enemy machines standing in your way - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Ultimately, you must locate the metal ladder on one of the walls of the north building (screenshot above) - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Use the ladder to reach the outside balconies - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

用梯子到達外部陽台。向右轉,跳過金屬梁。您將到達通風軸的爐排 - 使用帕斯特(Pullcaster)將其撕開,然後進入內部。


There is a console in the first room of the Station Elm, but it requires an access key - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

電台榆樹的第一間房間裡有一個控制台,但需要一個訪問密鑰。熟悉電池存儲架- 您可以抓住它們並將其拉出。

The Maintenance Bypass Key you're looking for is behind one of the racks - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Behind the unlocked door you will find a Storage Unit - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

在解鎖的門後面,您會發現一個存儲單元。沿著軌道拖動它,然後在兩個地方停下來 - 第一次,以便Alva可以將自己放在上面,然後第二次可以到達控制台。


Start by looking for the grate shown in the screenshot above - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


In the new room, use the Igniter on the Firegleam shown in the picture - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Take a look at the new rack that can be pulled from the wall - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


With the battery, walk through the hole that was created when the firegleam was blown up - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Return to the main room once again - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide




The path to the tunnels is in the same area - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


到達梯子,重新鋪面後,游泳到競技場形的房間。您現在必鬚麵對老闆 - 恐懼

殺死恐怖 - 老闆遭遇

As always, you should begin the fight against the Dreadwing by scanning the large flying bat-like machine - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


還查看其他標籤 - 它們將允許您確定老闆的攻擊以及需要銷毀/分離的零件,以防止恐怖片發射特定的攻擊並使用其獨特的技能。

Dreadwing stays airborne most of the time by default, but be prepared for sudden landings mixed with attempts to hurt the main heroine - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


1 - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

The Dreadwing also has dangerous area-of-effect attacks - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


  1. 酸噴霧- 嘗試遠離有毒雲,以避免受負面狀態效應影響的主要角色。您可以通過攝入正確的藥水來擺脫狀態,也可以裝備高度抵抗此元素的服裝。
  2. 散射炸彈- 炸彈仍在空中時,迅速移開。幸運的是,預測他們要降落的地方很容易。

Another unique aspect of this fight is that the Dreadwing can use camouflage - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide





The entrance to the Station Ivy is on the outskirts of the arena - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide

常春藤車站的入口是在競技場的郊區。您會發現一個新的Holo投影儀- 與它互動激活新的Aquino全息圖,並獲得特殊溶解代碼模塊


The next door has to be opened by force - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


你應該在附近看到一個工作台。轉到特殊的齒輪選項卡並確認創建葡萄藤- 合金要使用的新小工具。


Make your way along the path leading to the Data Core - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


Now you can press R1 to place the spear equipped with the Vine Cutter module unlocked moments ago inside - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Enter the data core room and use the interactive console to download DEMETER - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide



Head straight ahead to The Greenhouse exit - Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of the Past - walkthrough - Main Storyline - Horizon Forbidden West Guide


前往蓋亞空間並與交互式插槽進行互動以“傳遞” Demeter。