

The mission starts after entering the land of Alfheim and once again you control Kratos for the duration - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


在探索位置的進展中,您將遇到暮光之城他們第一次 - 它們可以反映利維坦斧頭的投擲。為了使自己適合投擲,請注意擲軌跡線的顏色變藍。要克服第一個障礙,將斧頭扔在左邊的石頭上(螢幕截圖).

During your path through the location, you'll encounter Light Elves - they are characteristic for their agility, so flawless dodges, blocks or parries will be necessary to defeat them - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在您穿越地點的路上,你會遇到光精靈- 它們是其敏捷性的特徵,因此,必須使用完美的躲閃,街區或圍欄來擊敗它們。您也可以要求Atreus用他的箭頭震驚他們。

很快你應該到達光聖殿的入口。要解鎖前進的方向,請先激活左側的機制。聆聽Atreus的指示 - 您必須停止轉動機制,然後開始朝相反的方向轉動它。

Once you enter the first chamber of the temple, a short puzzle awaits that blocks the way forward - you must throw the axe at the Twilight Stone in such a way so it hits the crystal above (screenshot) - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide

一旦您進入寺廟的第一個房間,一個簡短的難題等待著前進的道路 - 您必須以這樣的方式將斧頭扔在暮色石上(螢幕截圖)


Defeat the new opponents and take a moment to explore this area - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide

擊敗新的對手,花點時間探索這一地區。Kratos可以跳躍並抓住壁架。為此,您需要轉向壁架並按X。在下一次戰鬥中,提防爆炸怪物- 避免損壞,快速跳或躲避象徵爆炸半徑的紅色區域。

跟隨Tyr和Atreus。您將到達新房間,而通道則被封鎖 - 要解鎖,您需要將自己從屏幕截圖中放置在該區域,然後將斧頭扔在暮色石上,以反射並撞到水晶

In the next battle, elves will use Homing Orbs - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


樓梯將帶您進入封閉的通道 - 您必須解決用光和旋轉機制的拼圖


A successful hit should rotate the object 90 degrees and reveal a Twilight Stone - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide



Use hanging ledges and interactive hook to reach Tyr who is on a remote ledge - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


雕像室,擊敗對手和推一個雕像(螢幕截圖).您的行動將導致創建一個不完整的橋樑。 Tyr將使用第二個雕像自動重複該動作,從而解鎖前進的路徑。

Continue by defeating further opponents until you reach a large gate - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide



As you move the statue, a hook will be revealed that allows you to get access to upper ledges - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide



Now for the statue on the left - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


  1. 將斧頭扔在新裸露的盾牌上(屏幕截圖中的點1) - 雕像將落在右邊;
  2. 將斧頭瞄準暮光石(點2) - 軌跡線需要用藍色標記,以便擲出成功並從石頭彈起並撞到雕像,損害了另一個碎片。
  3. 在紅色元素上使用混亂的刀片(點3) - 雕像必須落在左邊。

Now return to the balconies behind the statue on the right - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


The next step of your journey is the Central Chamber, where you'll find another puzzle - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide



Unfortunately, the stone is facing the wrong way - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide



使用解鎖的樓梯和電梯繼續跟隨Tyr。一路上有一家矮人的商店 - 您可以繞行和補貨。與標記的對象相互作用以激活切割場所。


Along the exit path you'll have to face more elves, and again watch out for their blue attacks and make sure to interrupt them with your shield - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


該小組將被Alva停止。我們在單獨的頁面上描述了這場戰鬥阿爾瓦 老闆章。



Further along the path, you'll start encountering Dark Elves - they don't differ much from their light counterparts - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide

沿著路徑進一步你會開始遇到黑暗精靈- 他們與輕度對手沒有太大區別。您也可以利用這種情況,因為一些精靈最初忙於戰鬥,並且您可以做出意外攻擊。與精靈召喚者戰鬥時,請首先專注於擊敗他,以便盡快處理他。


You will return to the Mystic Gateway where you have a choice - God of War Ragnarok: Groas Secret - walkthrough - Walkthrough - God of War Ragnarok Guide


  1. 您可以立即穿過大門返回辛德里的家。這將繼續主要的故事情節。
  2. 或者,您可以探索Alfheim的可選區域。您可以通過峽谷中的路徑訪問它們,這是獲取XP,戰利品和解鎖收藏品的好方法。

與Ratatoskr交談嘗試用Leviathan Ax擊中風鈴。進入房子並坐在桌子旁。您已解鎖了一個新的Atreus任務 - 失落的庇護所