在我們指南的此頁面上Cyber​​punk 2077你會發現一個解決難題的解決方案。我們正在談論的工作搶劫,其中V和Jackie滲入了一家豪華酒店。

The idea behind this puzzle is to lead Flathead to the netrunner and hack him - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


Flathead will go towards the grid and enter the ventilation shafts - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


Wait until the image stops for a longer time in one of their hotel rooms - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


In the next room there are maids whose presence will make your job a bit more difficult - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


Start scanning other objects in the room - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide



The next section is very simple - identify the nearby ventilation grid and send the bot to it - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

下一節非常簡單 - 識別附近的通風網格並將機器人發送到它。

Next in order is the monitoring room - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


After hearing T-Bug's comment, locate the CCTV port and send the bot there to jack into it - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


You will unlock the option to switch between cameras - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


Scan the ventilation grid on the left side of the room with the netrunner - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide


Return to the camera from the previous room, i - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

從上一個房間返回相機,即機器人當前正在等待的那個。標記地板上的通風網格- 掃描並將Flathead發送到那裡。

Once again, switch on image from the room with netrunner - Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? - Puzzle solutions - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

再次從圖像打開圖像Netrunner的房間。等待Flathead出現在這裡。鎖定Netrunner的椅子。掃描它 並將機器人發送到它。在Flathead“抓住” NetRunner之後,難題將解決。