
Vinland is a completely separate land, which you can't initially visit - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough



Return to Randvi - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

返回蘭德維。Vinland將出現在聯盟地圖上- 您會在最底部找到它。您可以將其選擇為另一個傳奇 /任務行。


1 - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

In order to go to Vinland, you must meet Nessa at the docks of Ravensthorpe and confirm your will to go on a few weeks' journey - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough




The name Vinland sounds very mysterious, but it is really about the North America from the time of the Viking conquests - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


Eivor, upon arrival in Vinland, will meet friendly Iroquois - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


Although Vinland / North America is a huge continent, the land of Vinland in the game is not very extensive - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

儘管溫蘭 /北美是一個巨大的大陸,但比賽中的Vinland並不是很廣泛。Eivor有一個很小的探索區域,最多可以持續幾個小時的非常仔細的探索。


Eivor cannot take with him the equipment used to explore the main game lands, namely England and Norway - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

Eivor不能隨身攜帶用於探索主要遊戲土地的設備,即英格蘭和挪威。這是通過像奴隸(Thrall)打扮的需要來解釋的,以便更容易地抓住Gorm,後者是Vinland探險的主要目標。 Eivor的設備當然會在他返回英格蘭時等待他。你不會失去它。

You will start your visit to Vinland with an almost empty inventory - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


  1. 主要武器和可能的盾牌
  2. 裝甲元素
  3. 製作材料
  4. 一次性項目(箭頭,條款)
  5. 銀 - 溫蘭沒有單一的貨幣

Eivor still can - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


  1. 使用隱藏的刀片儘管服裝改變了,但這仍然“走私”。您可以使用隱藏的刀片進行無聲殺人,或者作為最後的手段,在戰鬥中發動特殊攻擊。
  2. 使用Fistight選項。
  3. 依靠先前解鎖的箭袋和供應改進。在更艱難的初始戰鬥中,其他口糧可以證明是有用的。

In Vinland you can get new equipment - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


新設備必須從供應商那裡購買。您會在地圖上找到其中幾個 - 它們都提供相同的東西。優先購買是近戰武器(有兩個不同的選擇)和弓,因此,您可以在近距離戰鬥和遠距離戰鬥中有效地攻擊敵人和野生動物。

2 - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

Items exhibited by merchants have to be paid for with crafting materials Common materials can be found in small crates and in the corpses of killed animals - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough



If you want, you can try to get an Arenhare'ko:wa armor set in addition to a melee weapon and bow - it is shown in the attached picture - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

如果需要- 顯示在附帶的圖片中。這將允許獲得統計數據的兩個獎金:

  1. 如果Eivor身體健康,請造成更大的距離損壞。
  2. 健康恢復如果您的健康狀況下降到50%以下。


In Vinland you can find vantage points, hostile camps, plunder, and mysteries - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

在Vinland,您可以找到有利位置,敵對的營地,掠奪和奧秘。 Vinland是唯一的貴重物品是帶有鑄幣套的箱子。在秘密的情況下,這些涉及獨特的活動以及可選活動(例如新土墩或傳奇動物的新戰鬥)。您可以定期完成所有可選的事情,或者僅在完成Vinland的主要故事後才可以完成所有可選的事情。遊戲不會趕您離開這片土地。

The interesting thing is that after Eivor's death you will not see the game over screen, but you will be moved to the main Iroquois camp - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough



Leaving Vinland is possible at any time of the game, even after arrival in this land - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough


If you want to visit Vinland again later in the game, it is easiest to do it by calling the atlas in the map menu (press Triangle / Y) - Assassins Creed Valhalla: How to get to Vinland? - Campaign - Assassins Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough

如果您想在遊戲晚些時候再次訪問Vinland,那麼通過在地圖菜單中調用Atlas(按Triangle / Y)來做到這一點。您可以從已知土地清單中選擇Vinland。