
Darth Vader was a boss in Jedi Fallen Order, and he is back in Jedi Survivor - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

達斯·維達(Darth Vader)是老闆絕地武士命令,他回到了絕地倖存者。與他的戰鬥發生當你扮演塞雷- 在帝國軍隊攻擊基地之後,您將暫時控制她。

Cere需要返回檔案檢索代碼。入口處有一個冥想點 - 使用它來恢復治療費用並保存遊戲。在檔案中,接近桌子。觀看切割場所


The duel with Vader consists of 3 phases and, since you play as Cere, it has some unique assumptions - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide


  1. 您可以以類似的方式治愈。 CERE不需要BD-1恢復,但她只有4次康復費用他們必須在整個戰鬥中持久。
  2. 你不能改變光劍的立場。練習CERE的基本動作和力量的使用。

The first part of the fight is less challenging, but still beware of the grab - it's Vader's red attack - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

戰鬥的第一部分不具有挑戰性,但仍然當心搶次 - 這是維達的紅色攻擊。如果抓住了塞雷,她將失去很多健康點。您必須躲避此舉。

Parry Vader's regular attacks and make him lose stamina points faster - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide


You may have a lightsaber clash with Vader - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide




Starting from the second phase, Vader can use Force Pull - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

從第二階段開始,Vader可以使用力拉力。攻擊本身並沒有耗盡健康點,但是當老闆開始向自己拉動自己時,您必須保持警惕 - 立即執行障礙物或道奇,因為Vader會立即與他的光劍攻擊。

Darth Vader will also start using a red spinning attack - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

達斯·維達(Darth Vader)也將開始使用紅色旋轉攻擊。躲閃,以確保您超出了此攻擊的範圍。

Vader's another new attack is throwing large objects - you must dodge them to the side to avoid damage - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

維達的另一個新攻擊是扔大物體- 您必須將它們躲到側面以避免損壞。



This is the most difficult part of the duel - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

這是決鬥中最困難的部分。 Vader會更頻繁地攻擊並使用攻擊的組合。這些是系列3或者5個光劍鞦韆給定組合的最後一次揮桿總是一個紅色攻擊

Just like in the previous parts of the fight, parry and attack frequently to deplete the boss's white stamina bar - Jedi Survivor: How to defeat Darth Vader in the Archives? - Bosses - Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide

