此頁的聖徒行2022Game Guide描述了Rojas Desert South區可用的側hustles類別的側面活動。他們每個人都有自己的目標,必須實現才能獲得獎勵。


Reward - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough


  1. 1,200 XP
  2. $ 4,000
  3. 自動FB的越野車

The questgiver is in the south-eastern part of the location - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough


當您到達正確點時,跳出汽車並殺死所有敵人。這完成了任務 - 您將獲得獎勵。



1 - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, WalkthroughThis quest is available in the eastern part of the region - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough

該任務可在該地區東部提供。您的任務是前往地圖上指示的位置並評估馬歇爾設施。評分越低,對手越多,獎勵就越好。您只需要通過消除敵人和生存來保護自己的評級即可。怪物卡車在這項任務上效果很好。如果您想找出如何獲得它,請檢查怪物卡車(Gargantua) - 如何解鎖?頁。



Reward - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough


  1. 1,200 XP
  2. $ 4,000

The western part of the location hides another side activity - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough

該位置的西部隱藏了另一個側活動。這次,您將一路開車穿越沙漠,一直到Rojas Desert North地區。當在小路上行駛並離開主要路線時,您必須提防水箱 - 如果掉進去,整個任務將重置。地圖上有一個標記的點。您有4分20秒的時間。當心將試圖摧毀您的汽車的對手。但是,在這種情況下,最好沿著主要道路,以免掉入水中。當您到達正確點時,跳出汽車並殺死所有敵人。這完成了任務,您將獲得獎勵。


Reward - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough


  1. 1,200 XP,,,,
  2. $ 4,000,,,,
  3. Kingmobile

This side activity is available in the western part of the location - Saints Row 2022: Side Hustles (Rojas Desert South) - list and description of activity - Rojas Desert South - Saints Row Guide, Walkthrough

該側面活動在該位置的西部可用。您將可以使用一輛汽車,它將帶您到北羅哈斯北部的北部。繼續遵循主要路線,您肯定不會落入水庫 - 這將重置整個任務。您有7分鐘來完成任務。當您到達正確點時,跳出汽車並殺死所有敵人。這將結束任務 - 您將獲得獎勵。