該指南的此頁麵包含一個交互式地圖為了羅寧的興起,其中包括這三個地區 - 橫濱,江戶和京都。使用我們的地圖將使您更容易在100%完成每個區域,達到債券級別3並獲得寶貴的獎勵(技能點,稀有戰利品)。我們為位置有標記面紗邊緣橫幅,,,,債券任務,,,,基層任務,,,,長屋,,,,不守規矩的區域,,,,基地,,,,賭博或者逃犯。我們還展示了秘密和收藏品,例如貓,照片,,,,地標,,,,神社或者寶箱


We have marked on the map all the banners used to regenerate health, replenish supplies, save progress and use fast travel - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide

我們在地圖上標記了全部 橫幅用於再生健康,補充物資,節省進度並使用快速旅行。

羅寧任務 /債券任務 /草根任務

These markers symbolize all quests that can be started on the world map - these can be main or side missions - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide

這些標記象徵著所有任務可以從世界地圖上開始 - 這些可以是主任務或側面任務。

長屋 /基地

These markers show where the hero's home (rest, equipment change, meetings with companions, storage, etc - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



We show enemy camps, provide information on which opponents you will encounter, and recommended levels for a given location - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



Our map indicates mini-boss hideouts, where you can engage in battles - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



Check out the locations of the places where you can buy inventions, which can unlock or upgrade the hero's equipment - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide


攝影 /攝影工作室

We marked all the photographies - collectibles and inform what needs to be photographed - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide

我們標記了所有照片 - 收藏品並告知需要拍照的內容。您還將找出從哪裡開始攝影挑戰

貓 /貓收集

We show where the cats you can adopt are hiding - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide


藥劑師 /商人 /鐵匠

We have marked all the main categories of traders on the map, who offer different services and sell various items - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



Learn where you can find stables to buy new horses, as well as to purchase their equipment - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide


陪練 /騎馬射箭 /槍支訓練 /滑行訓練

We have marked all training activities - they involve melee combat, using a bow, firearms, and gliding - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide

我們已經標記了所有培訓活動- 它們涉及近戰戰鬥,使用弓,槍支和滑行。


Find out where you can gamble in each of the main regions of the game world - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



We have marked the locations of all the secret chests, which may hide valuable equipment or rare consumables - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



We marked all the shrines - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide



Each region has unique buildings and viewpoints that can be treated as collectibles - Rise of the Ronin: Interactive map - Interactive map - Rise of the Ronin Guide
