applecore和jarnsmida pitmines是來自戰神ragnarok在第一次訪問期間,您無法完全搜索。從指南的此頁面,您將學習如何返回這些位置(Svartalfheim)在遊戲的後期部分,即完成後對Tyr的追求

The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines are regions found in the western part of Svartalfheim - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

applecorejarnsmida pitmines是在斯瓦塔爾夫海姆(Svartalfheim)西部發現的地區。這些地區首先在對Tyr Story Quest的追求,但是您無法完全探索它們。


如果您還沒有解鎖未知網關的選項,請選擇前往Aurvangar濕地(上面的屏幕截圖)返回Svartalfheim後,找到渡輪交叉在門戶旁邊 - 它將帶您到Sverd Sands地區。

If you can already unlock unknown gateways, then choose the Sverd Sands one - we have marked it in the picture - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

如果您已經可以解鎖未知的網關,那麼選擇一個Sverd Sands 1-我們已經在圖片中標記了它。將其添加到快速旅行點列表中後,您可以立即使用它。


In both cases, head toward the central part of The Applecore as pictured on the map - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在這兩種情況下,朝applecore的中央部分前進如圖所示。洞穴中有一些戰鬥要做。如果您已經有Draupnir Spear,也可以解鎖新途徑(頁面上有更多信息如何解鎖draupnir長矛?

回到Applecore的旅程以對Miklimunnr的迷你老闆相遇為標誌- 這是您與Tyr逃脫Applecore時不必面對的野獸。

Miklimunnr uses a huge stone block for most attacks - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide


與往常一樣,耗盡敵人的健康棒直到他驚呆了 - 一旦發生這種情況,請按R3站在怪物附近的同時,以令人印​​象深刻的方式執行它。

During the trek, you have to go through puzzle locations again - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在跋涉期間,您必須再次瀏覽拼圖位置。幸運的是,您不必再次解決它們。唯一的例外是一個由黃色晶體製成的封鎖- 將自己放在屏幕截圖中顯示的區域,然後將Leviathan斧頭扔到紅色的容器上。

Finally, you should reach a place where you receive a message saying that the Applecore Mythic Gateway has been unlocked - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

最後,你應該到達一個地方您收到消息的地方 說Applecore神話網關已被解鎖。這將使您從這一點上更容易返回該區域,並且無需重複Sedr Sands的跋涉。

從Applecore到達Jarnsmida Pitmines

Near the Mystic Gateway, there is a pathway allowing you to continue north-west - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide


Ultimately, you will return to the Jarnsmida Pitmines region - God of War Ragnarok: Returning to The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines - Completing 100% of maps - God of War Ragnarok Guide

最終,您將返回Jarnsmida Pitmines地區。在這裡,您也可以搜索新的或被忽視的秘密和活動,以及解鎖礦山的神秘門戶

從現在開始,探索Applecore和Jarnsmida Pitmines應該更容易,最重要的是,耗時較少 - 您不必重複從地圖的其他區域重複穿越。