最困難的戰鬥召喚故事任務戰神ragnarok涉及面對2個女武神-Hrist和Mist,由奧丁派遣。我們的演練表明了Hrist和Mist使用的攻擊類型,如何保護被抓住的Atreus以及如何擊敗女武神 - 這場戰鬥涵蓋了3個階段。


Hrist and Mist are 2 Valkyries under orders from Odin, and you must fight both of them at once during the finale of the story - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide




The battle consists of 3 phases, and you advance to the next one after successfully depleting the Valkyries' health bar, which is renewed at the start of the next phase - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide



  1. 用斧頭的獨特攻擊凍結了女武神然後切換到混亂的葉片;
  2. 用刀片的獨特攻擊使女武神著火並切換到利維坦斧頭。

Hrist and Mist have a lot of tricks up their sleeve - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide

hrist和mist袖手旁觀很多。首先是旋轉攻擊 - 這是正常攻擊,因此只需按下塊按鈕即可。但是,這樣做很快,否則Kratos將受到損害,直到襲擊結束為止。

Other ones involve air or ground attacks (yellow) - parry or dodge them, and a blue attack involving hiding behind wings - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide

其他涉及空氣或地面攻擊(黃色)- 帕里或躲避他們,一個藍色攻擊涉及藏在翅膀後面。您可以通過向他們奔跑並用盾牌擊打(L1x2)來暴露受保護的老闆造成傷害(L1x2)



After the Valkyries lose all their health, they will retreat back to a safe area - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在皇馬失去所有健康狀況之後,他們將撤退到安全區域。老闆會再生他們的一些健康並且將發生無可避偶像攻擊 - 克拉托斯將落在地面上,並且其中一個女武神將抓住Atreus。你必須拯救男孩 - 快速按X

從現在開始,您需要注意Atreus並在需要時幫助他。一旦您收到警告並出現了紅色的感嘆號,就會攻擊持有男孩的女武神 - 這可以是近戰或範圍攻擊(例如,扔斧頭或長矛)。

Moreover, you need to watch out for a new red attack in which Kratos is grabbed and slammed to the ground - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide


From now on, Hrist and Mist can use a combined attack - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide


  1. 第一個女武神將發射一系列彈丸 - 用盾牌阻止它們;
  2. 第二個女武神投擲一個大巨石 - 這是一場紅色攻擊,你必須躲避它。

Another new Valkyrie attack is sending out shock waves - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide



You advance to the last part of the battle after the Valkyrie's energy bars are depleted again - both bosses will regenerate (partially) for the last time - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在Valkyrie的能量棒再次耗盡之後,您進入了戰鬥的最後一部分 - 兩個老闆將在最後一次再生


After the Valkyries lose almost all of their health bar you can press R3 - God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Hrist and Mist, the Valkyries? - Bosses - God of War Ragnarok Guide

在武庫失去了幾乎所有的健康欄之後您可以按R3。最終序列將開始 - 通過按下成功完成連續QTE出現在屏幕上的按鈕(注意:兩次將是L3 R3的組合,而不是按下一個按鈕)。這將是Hrist和Mist的終結。