在我們的Elden Ring Guide的此頁面上,您可以找到Dungeater和BlackGuard Boggart Questline的演練。我們展示了任務授予者的確切位置,任務線的過程以及成功完成的獎勵。


You can find the Dung Eater in the Roundtable Hold - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Blackguard Boggart, in turn, is located in Liurnia of the Lakes , more specifically in the Boilprawn Shack - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

Blackguard Boggart又位於l,更具體地說沸騰的小屋



Initially, he will refuse to talk, threatening that if you don't leave him alone, he will kill you - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Once you got the necklace (you need to purchase it) and restart the location, you'll receive the ability to buy Boiled Prawns from him - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


In order to convince the Dung Eater to talk, you first need to get an item that is closely related to his mission, i - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


The first is in Leyndell, the Royal Capital , in the area marked by the arrow - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


From there go straight ahead, then turn left towards the priests with trumpets - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Descend using it, and enter the next room to find a ladder - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Now you can return to the Roundtable Hold and talk to the Dung Eater - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

現在你可以返回圓桌會議 抓住並與Dung Eater交談。對話結束後,您將收到一個鑰匙,該鑰匙打開一個存儲他真實身體的單元格。要到達那裡,請前往林德爾下水道,井中可以通過梯子進入。

The well is found in western Leyndell, and It is marked with the yellow arrow - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

該井在西部萊恩德爾(Western Leyndell)中發現,並用黃色箭頭標記。到達那裡的最快方法是大道陽台恩典的場所。沿著樓梯走,然後在您被揮舞大弓的騎士襲擊後立即向左轉。跳過陽台,朝著金色的聖甲蟲。

Then, going further and jumping down to lower and lower levels, you should find yourself in the place shown in the photo - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


You'll reach the sewers - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


After clearing the area, you'll see the Dung Eater's cell on the right - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Talk to Dung Eater and choose the dialogue option that makes him leave the prison - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

與Dung Eater交談,然後選擇使他離開監獄的對話選項。您現在可以返回圓桌會議

When you go to the room where he was in the fortress, you won't find him there - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


You need to reach the area shown in the screenshot - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Once you get to your destination, talk to Blackguard Boggart - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

到達目的地後,請與BlackGuard Boggart交談。用盡所有對話選項,他會告訴您他在某個地方感覺到糞便食者。

Restart the location (preferably by exiting the game through the main menu) - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


經過短暫的交談後,事實證明糞便食者正在入侵您的世界 - 您會收到另一個苗床詛咒和他的個人物品。

You need to defeat Dung Eater in a duel - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


What makes matters harder, is that the opponent is equipped with heavy armor - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

使對手配備了重型裝甲,這更加困難。但是,不要讓它愚弄您 - 糞便食者很敏捷。提防他的遠程攻擊。

If you're successful, go back to Roundtable Hold and talk to Dung Eater - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


This means that you need 3 more - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


West Capital Rampart site of grace - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Jump on one of them, then go up, and you will notice a hole in the wall - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

跳上其中一個,然後上升,您會發現牆上的一個洞。進入室內 - 您會發現自己處於圓桌會議的替代版本中。

Keep to the right wall until you find a room similar to the one where Dung Eater stays and pick up another Seedbed Curse - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


The next item, which you'll need for the quest, can be found on Mt - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

您可以在公噸。 Gelmir在火山莊園附近準確地說。要到達照片中顯示的位置,您必須有Stonesword鍵

Go to the Temple of Eiglay site of grace , then continue through the manor - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


You can ignore them and run ahead - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


After climbing the stairs, turn right - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

爬樓梯後,右轉。在那裡,您會找到一個走廊。前方有一個雕塑 - 您需要在此處插入一個鑰匙才能通過霧。

Once the path is clear, you'll have to jump down and down using metal grates - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


In the downstairs room you will find a body with another Seedbed Curse - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


The final Seedbed Curse is in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Move forward while avoiding the soldiers, then go down one floor using the stairs - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Jump on the column and jump down from it to a platform shown in the screenshot - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


Moving forward, you'll see another column that you need to climb and continue up - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


The last Seedbed Curse is a little further ahead - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


You'll find him sitting on a chair - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide


After regaining control of your hero, take the rune from Dung Eater's corpse to conclude the questline and unlock an alternative ending - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide



完成整個Dung Eater和BlackGuard Boggart Questline後,您將獲得以下獎勵:

After completing Blackguard Boggart quest, you'll receive the Seedbed Curse, and Blackguard's Bell Bearing that allows you to buy prawns which increase physical damage when consumed - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

完成BlackGuard Boggart任務後,您將收到苗床詛咒, 和Blackguard的鈴鐺軸承這使您可以購買消耗時增加物理損害的大蝦。此外,您還將收到物品 - 鐵球黑色守衛的鐵面具

Defeating the Dung Eater when he invades your universe yields a weapon - Sword of Milos - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

當他入侵你的宇宙時,擊敗食肉者會產生武器 - 米洛斯之劍

After delivering 5 Seedbed Curse, you will receive the Mending Runge of the Fell Curse , which unlocks an alternative game ending - Elden Ring: Dung Eater / Blackguard Boggart questline - walkthrough - Quests - Elden Ring Guide

