此頁的外星火力精英Guide提供了《 Regicide》的演練,Regicide是第四次活動​​的最後任務(唯一可以確定的方法)。


While going to the first point, you will be attacked by Xenos - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

到達第一點時,您將受到Xenos的攻擊。您必須將它們穿過很多雞蛋的房間。有兩種選擇 - 要么不靠近它們,因此雞蛋不會孵化寄生蟲,也不會用武器或技能摧毀它們。

Restock and head to the terminal - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


You will be attacked by much more dangerous opponents, such as Praetorians or Warriors - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


When you defeat the enemies, move on to the next room - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


As you make your way through the corridors full of Xenos, watch out for the numerous eggs - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


While descending down, you will encounter more enemies - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


Going even lower, you will encounter not only standard Xenos, or Warriors, but also Crushers - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


At some point, you will have to cut the door - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

在某個時候,您將不得不割門。這將需要一些時間,因此請確保您身後沒有敵人。切開門後,轉到下一個點 - 您會發現更多用品。竭盡所能。

Instead of fighting countless enemies, go to the next point - you will save first-aid kits and ammo supplies - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

與其戰鬥無數的敵人,不如說,您將節省急救套件和彈藥用品。您應該使用四個設備到達競技場。您的目標是激活它們。當您與其中一個互動時,您會在屏幕頂部看到計時器。在此之前,補貨並將所有砲塔和陷阱設置在兩側 - 即將到來的戰鬥將非常困難。

Then, after interacting with the switches, you will have to keep the ground for a certain amount of time - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

然後,與開關互動後,您必須將地面保留一定時間。您將受到壓倒性的Xeno部隊的攻擊。觀看您的雷達並收聽消息 - Xenos的攻擊將從各個方向加劇。

When the time runs out and all the Xenos are dead, heal and replenish your ammo - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


With each wave, there will be more and more dangerous enemies - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

每次浪潮,都會有越來越多的危險敵人。首先在雷達上與標有紅點的Xenos打交道 - 它們將是最大的威脅。

You will have to activate some device four times and then defend against enemies - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


The last wave is not about defending yourself in the arena but running away - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


This mission, however, will not be easy - you will be attacked by regular Xenos as well as the Xenomorphs' Queen - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

但是,這項任務並不容易 - 您將受到常規Xenos以及Xenomorphs的女王的攻擊。它將用特殊的標記標記。

Although you can fight the Queen and other Xenos, your task is to get to the elevator as soon as possible - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide


You also have to do that within the time limit - Aliens Fireteam Elite:Regicide - walkthrough - The only safe option - Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

您還必須在時間限制內執行此操作。團隊的每個成員必須到達電梯。如果不這樣做,您將失去 - 您必須從一開始就重複任務。到達電梯以完成任務和比賽。